Vivian Fang

Please note this CyLab seminar is open only to Carnegie Mellon University faculty, students and staff.

Speaker: Vivian Fang, 4th year Ph.D. student, UC Berkeley

Title: Towards Practical Secure Computation

As the world becomes more security conscious, there's been a surge of work in the field of secure computation. In this talk, Vivian Fang will discuss work on improving the usability and practicality of secure computation. First, she will present CostCO (EuroS&P’22), an automatic cost modeling framework for secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols. Then, she will discuss the hurdles of deploying cryptographic systems like MPC that rely on the assumption of distributed trust and propose a framework that can bootstrap distributed-trust applications (to appear at HotNets’22).

Fang is a fourth-year computer science graduate student at UC Berkeley advised by Raluca Ada Popa. Her interests are broadly in security and systems. She is grateful to be supported by an NSF-GRFP fellowship.

Fang completed her B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at UC Berkeley, where she worked with Scott Shenker, Aurojit Panda, and Justine Sherry in NetSys.