CyLab Blockchain Seminar: Ittay Eyal

October 10, 2022

12:00 p.m. ET

Livestream or CIC 4th floor Panther Hollow

Ittay Eyal

This event is part of the CyLab Seminar Series and is made possible by a generous grant from Ripple and Algorand Foundation.

Speaker: Ittay Eyal, assistant professor, Technion

Title: Blockchain Incentives and Authentication

Unlike classical distributed systems, the security of blockchain-based systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum critically relies on correctly incentivizing their operators. Their design and analysis thus calls for novel tools and approaches. The talk will show how the incentive mechanisms expose new vulnerabilities and how they enable protocols that rely on the incentive structure. It will discuss recent results on bounds and resilient protocols.

The talk will also briefly present a novel formalization of the classical authentication problem. This formalization almost immediately reveals surprising results with practical implications to cryptocurrency client security.

The talk is self contained.  

Ittay Eyal is an senior lecturer (assistant professor) in the electrical and computer engineering department at the Technion and an associate director at the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3). Eyal completed his Ph.D. at the Technion, followed by a post-doctorate at Cornell University. Eyal was awarded a 2018 Alon Scholarship and a 2022 Krill Prize. His research focuses on performance and security in decentralized systems.

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