Introduction to Hardware Security

Course Number: 18-632

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Location: Pittsburgh

Units: 12

Semester Offered: Spring

This course covers basic concepts in the security of hardware systems. Topics covered include active and passive attacks, reverse engineering, counterfeiting, and design of hardware security primitives (e.g., random number generators, physical unclonable functions, crypto-processors). Lab sessions will give students hands on experience with performing attacks, developing countermeasures, and implementing secure hardware building blocks. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of digital logic and Register-Transfer Level (RTL) design, but no specific background in security/cryptography is necessary.


Class format

Lecture and project-based

Home department


Target audience

MS / Ph.D. hardware students

Background required

Basic knowledge of digital logic and Register-Transfer Level (RTL) design

Faculty and instructors who have taught this course in the past

Ken Mai, Jema David Ndibwile, Samuel Pagliarini