
Rohan Padhye research techniques to automatically discover software bugs. His work spans several areas including software engineering, programming languages, systems, and security. Padhye's recent projects make use of dynamic program analysis and coverage-guided fuzz testing. His papers have been published at venues such as ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, OOPSLA, SOSP, and USENIX Security. His research tools have been used to discover 50+ new bugs in widely used open-source software and have been adopted by various firms in industry.

Padhye completed his Ph.D. in computer science at UC Berkeley, where he was advised by Koushik Sen. His dissertation investigated techniques for specializing program analysis and automated testing tools using artifacts that incorporate the knowledge of domain experts. Complementing his doctoral research, Padhye collaborated with Microsoft Research on detecting thousands of concurrency bugs at industry-scale and with Samsung Research America on fuzzing trusted execution environments. Before going to Berkeley, Padhye spent two years at IBM Research India, developing productivity tools using data mined from GitHub and other repositories. He holds a master's degree from IIT Bombay.

He is also the lead designer of the ChocoPy programming language, which is used to teach the undergraduate compilers courses at UC Berkeley (and increasingly at other universities too).


Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley

MS, IIT Bombay