
Brandon Lucia is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon. He researches the boundary between computer architecture, computer systems, and programming languages. He leads the abstract research group.

Some of his current research interests include: making intermittent computing devices that harvest energy from their environment and are programmable, reliable, and robust to common-case power failures. These devices are really exciting because they are a great fit for sensing, medical implants, “extreme” scenarios, and many other applications. He also researches the need to create better software systems and computer architectures that make parallel computing correct, reliable, and efficient. The problem space is especially interesting now with the end of Moore's Law and Dennard Scaling, and the move to crazy heterogeneous parallel systems, approximate computing, distributed system architectures, and emerging (e.g., non-volatile, biological) technology maturing and becoming useful.

Lucia’s cross-cutting computer systems research has led to a 2018 NSF CAREER Award, the 2018 ASPLOS Best Paper Award, three IEEE MICRO Top Picks in Computer Architecture (2009, 2010, 2016), a 2015 OOPSLA Best Paper Award, the 2015 Bell Labs Prize, a 2016 Google Faculty Award, and an appointment to the DARPA ISAT study group. He received a 2021 Sloan Research Fellowship, a VMWare early career grant, and an IEEE TCCA Young Computer Architect Award. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington in 2013.

4110 Collaborative Innovation Center
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Brandon Lucia
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Orbital Edge Computing in Smart Nanosatellites

Energy Harvesting Computers: Extracting Energy from the Environment

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Brandon Lucia designs the basic technology to support “energy harvesting computers,” or devices that can perform computations, sense their environments, and communicate using energy that they extract from their environments.


2013 Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

2010 MS, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

2007 BS, Computer Science, Tufts University

Media mentions

Pittsburgh Business Times

Lucia’s company named a startup to watch

ECE’s Brandon Lucia is the co-founder and CEO of one of Pittsburgh Business Times’ 10 Pittsburgh-area startups to watch in 2024.

Five Engineering faculty receive professorships

ECE’s Yuejie Chi, MSE’s Marc De Graef, ECE’s Swarun Kumar, ECE’s Brandon Lucia, and MechE’s Rebecca Taylor recently received professorships in Engineering for their outstanding scholarly achievements.

NPR Post

NPR Post features CMU nanosatellite research

The NPR Post covered CMU's nanosatellite research, highlighting uses such as detecting wildfires, crowd monitoring in major events, and carbon mapping.

Aviation Week

Lucia’s research featured in Aviation Week article

ECE’s Brandon Lucia and his research project have been featured in Aviation Week highlighting a new research project trying to make nanosatellites more computationally robust.