CyLab’s Partner Program is the collaboration hub and pathway into Carnegie Mellon’s cutting-edge research and education portfolio in security and privacy. Partners engage with world-class faculty, students, and researchers who are developing new and innovative technologies, methods, models, and policies that will shape the safety and security of systems for all users. Our robust program helps partners navigate the extensive opportunities for cybersecurity engagement across Carnegie Mellon University.

A student pointing to a poster during a poster competition

Source: CyLab

Former CyLab graduate student Soo-Jin Moon presents her research to a CyLab Partner representative.

Benefits and opportunities

A partnership with CyLab will deliver benefits to your organization in research, recruiting, reputation, and return on investment.

Base level

$30,000 per year for three years

The base-level partnership is the foundation for engaging with CyLab, providing a variety of ways to connect with CMU faculty, students, and technical staff advancing security and privacy research. At the base level, partners are able to explore all that CyLab has to offer, gain research insights, make connections, and access faculty and students through:

  • Invitations to the annual CyLab Partners Conference
  • Invitations to attend periodic presentations and events 
  • Facilitated visits to CyLab
  • Student recruiting assistance
  • Live stream and recordings of CyLab research seminars
  • “Members-only” partner portal website
  • Discounts on executive education & training
  • Discounts on student capstone and practicum group projects
  • Acknowledgment of membership on the CyLab website, promotional material, and sponsored events 

Strategic Level

+$7,500 to unlimited amount per year in addition to Base level

Building on the base level, the strategic level provides partners with additional engagement and deeper relationships. Strategic partners have the ability to allocate funds to a variety of opportunities including: 

  • Targeted research projects
  • Shared research initiatives
  • Institute-wide research seed funding
  • Visiting researcher residency
  • Named student fellowships
  • Expanding the Cybersecurity Workforce sponsorship
  • picoCTF STEM workforce development sponsorship
  • Branded seminar/event sponsorships
Headshot of Michael Lisanti

Join us!

We hope you're as excited as we are to work towards our vision to create a world in which technology can be trusted. To learn more about partnering with us, please reach out to Michael Lisanti, Senior Director of Partnerships, at or (+1) 412.268.1870.